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National Technologies Group Blog

National Technologies Group has been serving the Sydney area since 1994, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Don't Use These Passwords! The Top 25 Most Popular Passwords of 2013

People have never been very good at making passwords - just ask our tech team. And now, thanks to a list compiled by SplashData, we have definitive proof. Pulling from data made public by hackers over the course of 2013, SplashData has sorted through millions of stolen passwords to find the top 25 most common login details.

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3 Reasons We're Obsessed with Yammer Right Now

We've got Yammer fever at National Technologies right now. It's a strong contender for first place among our favourite Office 365 collaboration tools, and we think it might be what pushes Office 365 over the edge as the number one cloud service for businesses.

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Introducing the Internet of Things

Since 2006, the number of devices connected to the Internet has outnumbered the number of people on the planet. In 2010, the number of objects connected to the Internet totaled 12.5 billion (1.84x the amount of people).

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How Language can Make or Break a Good Tech Support Team

For some businesses, seeking tech support means crossing some sort of language barrier. The IT department is its own nation-state: speaking in code, cables spilling from cupboards. Without the base knowledge and vocabulary required to speak to tech support, it can be difficult for colleagues from other departments to articulate technical issues, and make sure the solution they're getting is going to be effective.

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Privacy Breakthrough: LinkedIn Adds a Block Button

In radical social media news, LinkedIn is adding a blocking feature to its site. LinkedIn is finally falling in line with other major social networks like Facebook and Twitter after significant pressure from users for a block button, including a petition with 8,500 signatures.

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