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National Technologies Group

National Technologies Group has been serving the Sydney area since 1994, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

National Technologies Group is a boutique IT orgnisation that specialises in providing high-end technical resources and project management for medium to large organisations. It is comprised of a group of business-focused high-end technical resources providing consultancy, high level technology road-maps, detailed deployment design, integration services, ongoing support and a staff augmentation facility (for BAU activities or specific projects) . The majority of National Technologies’ clients are large enterprise sized customers running mission critical applications and infrastructure.
We focus on providing the client with professional, competent services based around our core skills, capabilities and ethics.

Your Tape Backup is a Business Risk

b2ap3_thumbnail_tapefail849.jpgThere was a time when tape backup was the cheapest and the standard data backup solution for businesses. Over the years, cloud services have become more affordable, and now cloud backup solutions like a BDR are cheaper and give businesses more security features. If you are still backing up with tape, then you may be losing money and even putting your business at risk!

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4 Oversights that will Harm Your Network

b2ap3_thumbnail_SecurtyRisk400.jpgWith all the attention that hackers receive, you would think that they are solely responsible for every network security breach, but the truth of the matter is that most damages to company networks are due to negligence. Here are the four most common IT security oversights that can lead to major damages to your network.

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Take a Stand for Your Health

b2ap3_thumbnail_NoSitting400.jpgWe are going to drop some big news concerning computers and your health. You might want to sit down for this. If you are at your desk then it's likely that you are already sitting, and that's the problem because sitting kills! Quick, stand up! Your life may depend on it!

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The Difference between the Internet and the Intranet

b2ap3_thumbnail_Intranet400.jpgYou read a lot about the Internet, but there is another net that you may not be as familiar with called the intranet. Separated by one vowel, the intranet is similar to the Internet when it comes to functionality; but unlike the Internet, an intranet provides users with greater security and control because it is entirely hosted on your network.

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VPN: A Very Practical Networking Option

b2ap3_thumbnail_VPNIcon400.jpgSetting up your own Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a great way to securely connect your computer or device to a network for sharing files and other resources. Unlike an office network infrastructure with servers, switches, and cables, VPNs offer a way to easily network computers using the Internet. Here are 4 situations where a VPN could come in handy.

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