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National Technologies Group Blog

National Technologies Group has been serving the Sydney area since 1994, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

How and Why Cyber Crime is so Effective

b2ap3_thumbnail_cyber_crime_is_the_new_norm_400.jpgThe Internet is a fantastic tool that has ushered in an era of productivity and connectivity that we could only previously have dreamed of. Unfortunately, like every great tool, it can be used for darker, malicious purposes. In the Internet’s case, it’s used for anonymous illegal activity, like drug trafficking or selling data on the black market.

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How to Escape Google's Grip and Search Anonymously

With NSA and Edward Snowden in the headlines, it's enough to make any user of the Internet think twice about online security and wonder if they are being monitored. A Google search seems harmless enough, but the reality is that you could be putting your information at risk when browsing through a site that harvests your information for advertisers.

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Don't Use These Passwords! The Top 25 Most Popular Passwords of 2013

People have never been very good at making passwords - just ask our tech team. And now, thanks to a list compiled by SplashData, we have definitive proof. Pulling from data made public by hackers over the course of 2013, SplashData has sorted through millions of stolen passwords to find the top 25 most common login details.

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Introducing the Internet of Things

Since 2006, the number of devices connected to the Internet has outnumbered the number of people on the planet. In 2010, the number of objects connected to the Internet totaled 12.5 billion (1.84x the amount of people).

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How to Anonymously Browse the Internet

b2ap3_thumbnail_whodat400.jpgSome places on the Internet are only suitable for secret browsing. Maybe you're shopping for a present and don't want your links to show in your browsing history, or maybe you don't want the customized ads to reflect a private interest. Whatever your reason is for wanting to anonymously browse the web, here's how you do it.

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The Internet of Things as the Next Big Thing

b2ap3_thumbnail_IoT400.jpgWhen you hear the phrase, "The machines are taking over," you may think of science fiction stories where robots become self-aware and enslave humanity. You may not have realized it, but the machines have already taken over; not with a violent uprising, but through what's called the Internet of Things (IoT).

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The Internet, Solving Problems for 20 Years!

b2ap3_thumbnail_90sProblem400.jpgThe Internet was originally designed in 1989 as a tool for the European science agency CERN to help share information among physicist in universities around the world. On April 30th, 1993, the Internet went public. Back in 1993, Internet founders like Tim Berners-Lee did not likely realize that his invention would solve more problems than physics ever could.

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3 Models of Cloud Computing to Consider

b2ap3_thumbnail_threecloud400.jpgDo you have reservations about using a public cloud computing service to host your company’s data and applications? Despite strong security measures taken by public cloud computing companies, there are businesses that choose to play it safe and build their own private cloud infrastructure. SMBs also have a third cloud computing option which is to adopt a hybrid cloud infrastructure.

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The Difference between the Internet and the Intranet

b2ap3_thumbnail_Intranet400.jpgYou read a lot about the Internet, but there is another net that you may not be as familiar with called the intranet. Separated by one vowel, the intranet is similar to the Internet when it comes to functionality; but unlike the Internet, an intranet provides users with greater security and control because it is entirely hosted on your network.

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The E-mail Switchboard

b2ap3_thumbnail_EmailSwitch400.jpgE-mail and other forms of digital communication have revolutionized the way humans interact. Anybody old enough to remember life before e-mail (B.E.), can tell some great stories that include kooky characters like Mr. Stamp and Mrs. Envelope. E-mail has changed things; all of us use it every day, but how does it work?

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Just Step around the Spam

b2ap3_thumbnail_StopSpam400.jpgAnytime you take a step into the Internet, there's a pretty good chance that you are going to step in a fresh and steamy pile of spam. Spam can ruin your company's Internet footprint. Spam can also find its way into the depths of your website and stink up the whole place. It's especially embarrassing when you don't even know that you have spam on the bottom of your virtual shoe; here's how it got there.

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A Blog about Blogging Part 1 - The Value of Blogging

The fact that you are reading this is proof enough of the value of blogging. Writing informative blogs for your company's website, or even having fun with a personal blog, is an effective way to market both yourself and your company.

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There is a Reason It’s Called Work

Most companies use some kind of computer application, even if it's just a word processor. Some companies, however, utilize enterprise-level software solutions to integrate all the functions of their business. This dependence on technology often requires employees of an organization to use a computer to properly accomplish the tasks their superiors within that organization have set out for them.

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