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National Technologies Group Blog

National Technologies Group has been serving the Sydney area since 1994, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Your Company Shouldn’t Skip a Beat In the Face of a Disaster

b2ap3_thumbnail_continuity_planning_400.jpgThe continuity of your business should be a major priority, especially considering how the livelihood of yourself and your employees is on the line. Believe it or not, there are some organizations out there that don’t give a second thought to the preservation of their data and critical assets. Therefore, it’s clear that you need to pay proper attention to how your organization handles problems like natural disasters, data loss, hacking attacks, and other hazardous incidents.

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Why Backing Up to the Cloud Makes the Most Sense

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_based_backup_400.jpgThe cloud is a fantastic addition to the business environment that can aid your organization in achieving great things with your technology, but some professionals still feel that the cloud isn’t as secure as it needs to be, especially in light of the incredible number of threats loose on the Internet. However, contrary to popular belief, the cloud is a very effective way of storing data, particularly for your business’s data backups.

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3 Telling Statistics about Data-Loss Solutions

A business that manages its data efficiently will be well positioned to handle growth. One of the most crucial components of data management is ensuring that everything is backed up properly; an increasingly difficult task as businesses use more data every year. Implementing a cost-effective and reliable data backup solution should be the goal of every IT professional.

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3 Ways Redundancy Can Help Your Business

b2ap3_thumbnail_redundant400.jpgSomething that's redundant might be understood as something that's no longer needed, excessive, or unnecessary. While the word redundancy is used as a negative adjective for most of life's scenarios, when it comes to business technology, redundancy is an asset. Here are three ways redundancy can help.

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3 Solutions to Minimize the Risk of a Server Crash

b2ap3_thumbnail_SFire400.jpgServers are one of most powerful pieces of equipment in the office, but that does mean they are the toughest. The hard drives in servers are made up of ridiculously fast moving parts. One day, these small parts will fail and end the server's life with a sudden crash. Here are a few steps you can take to prepare for server doomsday.

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Do you Still Use a VCR?

b2ap3_thumbnail_vcr400.jpgIt wasn't too long ago when a person could go to his or her local supermarket and rent a copy of their favorite movie on VHS. When that novelty fell off, you could still get the movies at your local video store. Every town had one. Whether it was a chain such as Blockbuster or a locally owned store, millions of people relied on the video store in their town for entertainment for the better part of a quarter of a century.

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Your Tape Backup is a Business Risk

b2ap3_thumbnail_tapefail849.jpgThere was a time when tape backup was the cheapest and the standard data backup solution for businesses. Over the years, cloud services have become more affordable, and now cloud backup solutions like a BDR are cheaper and give businesses more security features. If you are still backing up with tape, then you may be losing money and even putting your business at risk!

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6 Reasons Why You Wouldn’t Trust Your Backup

TrustUs400.jpgData loss is serious. We know it, you know it. If you lose a month's worth of data, you are in some serious trouble. That's why your backup is so crucial to your business. Not all backup solutions are created equal. You need to be skeptical of your backup if it doesn't give you a ironclad guarantee. Here are 6 key indicators to look for to determine if your backup solution doesn't take your data seriously.

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Disaster Recovery and Why it Matters to Eastern Austrailia Businesses

b2ap3_thumbnail_thumb_disaster-recovery_20120727-152922_1_20130116-043211_1.jpgWhen you mention the term 'disaster recovery,' most people think about the big ground-shattering events like earthquakes, fires, floods, tropical storms, etc. While these natural events are certainly disasters and devastating in their own right, smaller things can constitute as a disaster for your business, and they aren't seasonal.

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